
Silver Lifestyle Membership Subscription

GHS From: 6.30 / day

Share Posts & Advertise for Maximum Exposure!

1. Add Articles to Catalog
2. Create Clubs & Groups
3. Add Pictures & Galleries
4. Add Audio & Podcasts
5. Create Activities & Events
…. & more

Your subscription supports our development towards the best membership experience for you.

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Share Posts & Advertise for Maximum Exposure!

Registering for this membership plan grants priority permissions to the listed features

1. Add Articles to Catalog

  • Post articles and advertise in the site catalog
  • Get paid Palmier Points for article reviews and post ratings

2. Create Clubs & Groups

  • Create forums in the Koware community
  • Manage members and get paid Palmier Points for forum activity

3. Add Pictures & Galleries

  • Post pictures to profile and site gallery
  • Create photo albums and share across social media

4. Add Audio & Podcasts

  • Upload audio clips and podcasts to profile
  • Get paid Palmier Points for ratings

5. Create Activities & Events

  • Add events to the events archive
  • Get paid Palmier Points for event ratings

6. Feature in Koware Magazine

  • Top 20 articles are guaranteed free feature in the published Koware Magazine
  • Win prizes for the best article on the network

7. 15% Discount Coupons

  • Get discounts and bonuses
  • Discounted registration with Blue Crown Academy’s online Health & Safety Course

8. All Classic Lifestyle Features

  • Experience all the features of the Free Classic Lifestyle Membership
  • Access higher discount rates

Your subscription supports our development towards the best membership experience for you.

Upgrade Now!

Additional information


Add Posts, Advertise Listings, Audio & Podcasts, Start Projects, Add Events


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