Classic Lifestyle Free Membership Subscription

EUR 0.00

Subscribe for free and connect to the lifestyle community!

1. Lifestyle Profile
2. Trade Palmier Points
3. Website Setup
4. Affiliate Referral Training
5. Play Games & Win Prizes
…. & more

Your subscription supports our development towards the best membership experience for you.


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Subscribe for free and connect to the lifestyle community!

Registering for this membership plan grants priority permissions to the listed features

1. Match Lifestyle Profiles

  • Access basic profile features
  • Create and share lifestyle profiles with members

2. Join Clubs & Groups

  • Access Academy Clubs & Groups across the community
  • Participate in clubs & group activities

3. Classic Affiliate Program

  • Get a personalized link to track your visitors and signups
  • Get a fixed payment when each of your referrals sign up

4. Blog Website Setup

5. Win Prizes & Rewards

  • Get paid Palmier Points for playing PacMan, Wheel of Fortune and more….
  • Automatically get one raffle entry for each “special” click you make whilst browsing through Koware

6. Trade Palmier Points

  • Access Palmier Points forum and basic point management tools
  • Invest in projects and trade points with members

7. Academy Enrolment

  • Get access to registration page for Blue Crown Academy courses
  • Promote the development of courses and programs and learn to start your own

8. Publish Status Posts

  • View member Status Posts
  • Add 3 day Status Posts

9. View Comments

  • View all comments made on blog posts
  • View Catalog and Article comments

10. Participate in Forums

  • Add discussion topics in forums
  • Reply to forum discussion topics

11. Dashboard Tools

  • Manage accounts and feature settings
  • View membership progress and feature upgrades

12. Access Member Directory

  • View all community members
  • Search for members across the community

13. Add Contacts

  • Invite and connect with contacts
  • Follow contacts to view their activity

14. Send Chat Messages

  • Connect to Group Chats across the community
  • Send private chat messages to contacts

15. View All Event Listings

  • Access future Event Listings
  • Get exclusive discounts and invitations to events

16. Make Bookings

  • Access to the Booking page to make service consultations
  • Choose the best and most convenient time slot for you

17. Get Discounts

  • Get discounted consultation services
  • Receive discounts and promotional offers

18. Access Polls & Surveys

  • Contribute to Koware’s development by completing research polls and surveys
  • Get Palmier Point credits for completing polls and surveys


Click here to visit the Classic Lifestyle forum for support.


Your subscription supports our development towards the best membership experience for you.

Signup Now!


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